Thursday, January 25, 2018


I role up my sleeves, to work like sheep
I curl up up my body, and go back to sleep
My brain goes asleep
My heart turns mellow
I can be whoever I want to be,
I confess my love
and my crush repeats my verse.

I sour high with birds
and greet Superman on his way to work.

In my dreams I can run with the wolves
and not get torn to pieces.

I can dance with fate
and smile without creases.

I can eat at buffets
and not gain weight.

Sure there are multiple realities
with infinite possibilities
But in my dreams
I kill those who bother me
without worrying about the judiciary.

In my dreams I can be whoever I want to be
I can be me
without apology.

Sure it's not always rainbows and daises
I do get nightmares.

I can't escape them
So I delay them
I hit snooze

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